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Showing 1,799 results for German, probably Würtzburg
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German Painter
ca. 1573–82
German, probably Würtzburg
ca. 1750
probably German
ca. 1400–1430
Heinrich Heid von Winterthur
dated 1460
Hans Daucher
ca. 1522
German, probably Nuremberg
ca. 1500
Wistarburgh Glassworks
1738–ca. 1777
Reinhold Vasters
ca. 1876–95
Reinhold Vasters
ca. 1870–95
probably ca. 1745–50
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt
ca. 1770–83
ca. 1470–90
Master CR
ca. 1565–70
Master Heinrich of Constance
ca. 1310–20
Master of the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
probably mid-17th century
Reinhold Vasters
second half 19th century
Hans Holbein the Younger
ca. 1250
workshop of Guido Durantino
ca. 1525
workshop of Guido Durantino
ca. 1550–60
workshop of Guido Durantino
ca. 1550–60
ca. 1425–50
Master of the Munich Bavarian Panels
ca. 1450
Herter Brothers
ca. 1875
Carl von Scheidt
ca. 1830
Martin Schneider the Younger
ca. 1570
Jeremias Metzger
ca. 1560
Simon Pissinger
ca. 1600
Peter Munsten
ca. 1620–30
Ferdinand Hundt
ca. 1736–40
Otto Meier
1608, with later restorations
probably German
18th century
probably German
late 18th century
probably German
early 17th century
probably German
early 17th century
probably German
late 17th century
probably German
ca. 1750–60
Hans Brosamer
Joachim Tielke
ca. 1685